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Early Canadiana Online

Early Canadiana Online

Early Canadiana Online is a digital library of primary sources relating to Canada from the first European contact to the early 20th century. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of literature, women's history, travel and exploration, Native studies and the history of French Canada. It can be found at:


Books in print and forthcoming books

Books in print and forthcoming books

As Canadianists, we are often faced with the need for up-to-date information about Canadian books - the exact title, the price, whether a particular work is still in print. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to find this kind of information on the Web. The logical source - "Canadian Books in Print" - is not freely accessible. The only solution is to try a variety of sites. What follows is a list of the ones that seem to be most useful. As we would like to keep revising this site, any tips would be welcome: please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Probably the easiest way is to search a book vendor's Website. Of course these are not comprehensive, and they tend not to include less well-known books as well as books published by small presses, but they do include a lot of the books we're interested in. Two of the largest on-line sites are:



If you know the publisher, you could also go to his/her Website. The directory of Canadian publishers' Web sites is as follows:


National Library of Canada

One special service offered by the National Library of Canada is particularly useful for obtaining information about books that have appeared in the past few years. The "Forthcoming Books" lists are processed by the National Library's Canadian Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program. Approximately 1600 publishers participate in the CIP program; in addition, the major publications of the federal government are covered, as are publications of the provincial governments of British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Each month brings a new list of forthcoming titles, and these are also archived on the Web site, going back several years. The books are listed according to category, and within each category alphabetically by author, so it is easy to find what is new in the field you are interested in. This site can be found at


Books on Canada

The Association for the Export of Canadian Books publishes an annual catalogue with a good selection of books published the previous year, both in English and French, that covers the whole field of Canadian Studies. Five sents of these books are then sent in the form of a travelling exhibition to Canadian Studies events round the world. Many of you will have seen this exhibition at the Brno conference, or at the annual conference of the Association of Canadianists in the German-speaking Countries (GKS) in Grainau, and so know that it is a very handy source of information on some of the most recent books of interest to Candianists. To access the last four years of the catalogue, entitled Books on Canada, enter the Association's website at http://www.aecb.org and then click on "Outstanding Canadian Books" ("Le prestige des livres canadiennes" in the French version). The entries on the individual books have brief descriptions of the contents, and give all the details needed for ordering them (publisher, price, ISBN number and so on).


The Canadian Studies Centre at Masaryk University

The Canadian Studies Centre at Masaryk University

The Canadian Studies Centre at Masaryk University in Brno has a Canadian collection of approximately 3,000 titles, as well as a good number of Canadian periodicals. The books as well as the journals have been computer catalogued as part of the library of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, and can be accessed at MU Union Catalogue http://aleph.muni.cz/F.

If you are interested in obtaining the text of any of the books in the Canadian collection, or of an article in one of the journals, please get in touch with Zuzana Janouskova at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Canadian Studies on the Internet

This is a list of Internet sites related to Canadian Studies; it is based on a YAHOO/Google Search and various people's tips and will be gradually updated and corrected. However, we were not able to check all the links so you may find some of them to be of no use. If this happens, or if you feel that there are some other useful links that should appear on this page, please let us know so that we can update the page. Thank you!

General Information Sites
Academic Links - Universities and Canadian Studies Associations
Libraries, Museums, Archives and Books in General
Social Sciences
Cultural Studies


General Information Sites

Academic Info Canadian Studies
GKS - Database of Online Canadiana - This is a very extensive site for all areas of Canadian Studies, created by the Association for Canadian Studies in the German-speaking Countries (GKS) and maintained by the Canadian Studies Centre at Marburg University
CanLinks - a directory of web resources relevant to Canadian studies
Canadian Studies: A Guide to the Sources - This site provides a summary of major published texts in a number important areas in Canadian studies.
Canadiana Page (Compiled by Stewart Clemens) - Includes links to Yellow Pages, currency exchange rates, government websites etc.
Oh Canada! (archive, no longer updated) - provides access to information on the Internet which defines and exposes Canada and Canadians.
Canadiana Quick Reference

Practical Information
MLA Style: A Format for Citing Sources in a Humanities Research Paper

Academic Links - Universities and Canadian Studies Associations

International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS)
European Network for Canadian Studies (ENCS)
Association for Canadian Studies in the German-speaking Countries (GKS)
Polish Association for Canadian Studies (PACS)
John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies
Canadian Studies Network (CSN)

Students' Associations 
Young Scholars' Canadian Network - German-speaking Countries

Canadian Universities and Studying in Canada
List of Canadian Universities and Colleges

Studying in Canada

Libraries, Museums, Archives and Books in general

On-line catalogues and collections
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
Early Canadiana Online
The Canadian Studies Centre at Masaryk University 
Canadian Archival Information Network
Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet
Library and Archives Canada
Ottawa Public Library
University of Ottawa Library
Toronto Public Library, their Virtual Reference Library
New Brunswick Library
Nova Scotia Library
Saskatchewan Library
Virtual Museum of Canada
 - a Gateway to Canada's Museums


The Atlas of Canada

Specialized Sites
Canadian Association of Geographers
National Atlas of Canada On-line
Canadian Communities Atlas
Can Geo Resources (Canadian Geographic Education)
Canadian Geographic - a magazine
Mapping Canada -Canadian Geographic
Alexandria Digital Library - Canada (University of California at Santa Barbara)
Canada's Geographical Names 


Active History.CA  
Academic Info on Canadian History   
H-Canada Discussion Network
 - H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Our edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public.

Specialized Sites
Canadian Historical Association
Historical Atlas of Canada
Museum of Civilization, Quebec City


Comprehensive Sites
Government of Canada Primary Internet Site
Library and Archives Canada: Politics and Government
Nelson Political Science
Canadian Constitutional Documents

Canadian Politics on the Web
Canadian Politics - University of British Columbia Library
Political resources on the Net
Canadian Social Research Links
Politics Watch

Specialized Sites

Canadian Federal Departments and Agencies
Academic Info - a directory of Internet resources tailored to a college or advanced high school audience
Government of Quebec
Statistics Canada
Global Affairs Canada
Environment Canada
Canadian Heritage - multiculturalism program
Canadian Heritage Information Network
Library and Archives Canada
Mapleleafweb - Canadian Political Education Website


Social Sciences

Cities of Migration - Information on integration practices



Comprehensive Sites
The Canadian Literature Archive
Library and Archives Canada: Literature Sites
Livres Canada Books 
Canadian Writer's Blog
Canadian Literatue: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review - the journal contains critical articles, book reviews, selection of poetry. On-line section offers interviews with authors and poets and databases of Canadian scholars, Canadian publishers and Literary Magazines/Journals.

Specialized Sites  
Jacques Ferron Website
CanLit Discussion Group
Margaret Atwood
Stephen Leacock
Canada's Early Women Writers

Cultural Studies

General Sites 
CBC iCulture

Specialized Sites
Canadian Women's Studies Association
Resources for Feminist Research - Canadian feminist scholarly journal
McGill University Institute for the Study of Canada - mandate, program of study, annual report, conferences and seminars, and other Canadian studies links
Canada.cz - Website of the Canadian Embassy in Prague; in English, French and Czech
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada's Multicultural Newspapers - Connecting Canadians is a collection of historical newspapers that document the early years of immigrant experience in Canada. Connecting Canadians is an invaluable resource for descendants of immigrants, students and teachers of the immigrant experience, as well as genealogists. All content is freely accessible, and keyword searchable.

Native Canadians

Aboriginal Canada (an excellent site) 
Curricular Resources in Aboriginal Studies (British Columbia Community Learning Network) 
Departments of Native Studies at Canadian universities   
Assembly of First Nations, the national representative organization of Canada's Natives
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
, the national organization of the Inuit of Canada
Métis National Council, the national representative of the Métis nation in Canada
Resources for Aborigonal Studies



Media Links in Canada and Abroad (Canadian Newspaper Association)

Canadian Newspapers - a long list of newspapers
National Post
Vancouver Province
The Globe and Mail - News Online
Halifax Daily News
Toronto Star News
Canada Press
Canadian Publishers' Council
The Canadian Press - Links to other news sites 
Canadian Online explorer (CANOE) - 24-hour CP/AP news, Canadian and international; Reuters business news, Canadian and international; SUN newspapers in Ottawa,Toronto, Edmonton, Cangary; Financial Post daily; Maclean's magazine; radio station)
Canadian Newspaper Archives (1753-2017)
Canadian Website of the Washington Post

Canadian Magazines - a long list of magazines


Radio Canada International
- The website provides information including program schedules in all languages, satellite program schedules, a description of all RCI programs, a background on RCI language lessons which are supplied to dozens of stations around the world, daily news reports in English, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese and Canadian views on national and international issues. It also provides a RealAudio selection of the newscasts and programs in all languages and a continuous LiveAudio service including some CBC and SRC programs.
CBC Audio

Cable Public Affairs Channel
CBC Newsworld Online