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Pierre Savard Awards

The Pierre Savard Awards were established by the International Council for Canadian Studies in memory of the distinguished Canadian historian and Canadianist Pierre Savard, President of the ICCS from 1983 to 1985. Designed to recognize outstanding scholarly monographs on a Canadian topic, two are awarded each year, one to a book written in English or French, the other to a book written in some other language.


Ádám Fuglinszky,  Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, for A polgári jogi felelősség útjai vegyes jogrendszerben, Québec, Kanada [The ways of civil liability in a mixed legal system, Quebec, Canada]


István János Molnár, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, for Kanada története a kezdetektől a konföderációig, 1000-1867 [History of Canada from the beginnings to Confederation, 1000-1867]