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CfP - Charles de Lint

Dear Colleagues, 
Please see this call from our Polish friends for contributions to a publication  they are planning on the work of the Canadian author Charles de Lint.
We would like to invite you to submit chapter proposals for an edited
volume on the works of Charles de Lint, a major Canadian author of
speculative fiction, under the working title “Delving into Urban Myths:
The Works of Charles De Lint”. The deadline for abstracts of the
proposed chapters is 30 April 2021. You will find more details in the
call for papers.

Kind regards,
Sylwia Borowska-Szerszun (University of Białystok, Poland)
Weronika Łaszkiewicz (University of Białystok, Poland)
Denisa Krásná
CEACS Secretariat
Masaryk University, Brno 

Canada and Beyond, Vol. 9 (2020)

Dear Colleagues,

Vol. 9 (2020) of the on-line journal Canada and Beyond is now accessable at

Chères/Chèrs collègues,

Vol. 9 (2020) de la revue en ligne Canada and Beyond est maintenant accessible à http://www.uhu.es/publicaciones/ojs/index.php/CanadaBeyond/issue/view/359

Denisa Krásná
CEACS Secretariat / Secrétariat de l’AECEC

Université Masaryk University, Brno



Margaret Atwood’s Grace Marks as an outcast: Rewriting Nathaniel
Hawthorne’s Hester Prynne
        Manuela López Ramírez

The Vibrancy of Materiality and Otherwise-Than-Place  in Susan Gillis’
Obelisk (2017)
        Leonor María Martínez Serrano

Living in ‘The Dish With One Spoon’: Transdescendence and Convivance in
Daniel Coleman’s Yardwork: A Biography of an Urban Place
        Claire Omhovère

Creative writing / Écriture créative

        Suzette Mayr

The Brass Bowl
        Dania Idriss

The Disappearing Island
        Marjorie Rugunda

Home of the Griffins
        Mikka Jacobsen

CFP - “Central and Eastern European Immigration to Canada”

Dear Colleagues,
The  Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies has issued a call for papers for a special issue on “Central and Eastern European Immigration to Canada”, to be published in 2022.
Proposals of about 400-500 words together with a brief CV should be sent to the editor before January 31, 2021. Contributors will be notified of the decision regarding their proposal by February 12, 2021. Complete essays of 7-10,000 words are due by June 30, 2021.

 For details follow this link.

 Denisa Krásná

CEACS Secretariat

13th NACS Conference - Aarhus, Denmark

Dear all,

I'm taking the liberty of writing with the hope that you might be interested in taking part in the next NACS international Canadian Studies conference planned for 11-13 August 2021 in Aarhus, Denmark. You can find the call for papers here.

Proposals may be submitted in English or French. The deadline for proposals is 30 November.

We are aware in NACS that we can't be sure what the covid-19 situation will be next summer. We are hopeful that we can organize a live event, but if needed, we will or course make alternative arrangements as unfortunately many sister associations have already had to do.

All the best from Finland,

Janne Korkka
President, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies/NACS

More Articles ...

  1. Message from the president