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CEACS Conference CfP

Dear Colleagues,

Please find here the first Call for Papers for the 10th Triennial International Conference of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS) titled New Moons, New Tides: A Century of Change in Canada, 1923-2023. Organised by
University of Maribor, it will take place from September 12 to 14, 2024 in Maribor, Slovenia. The deadline for submitting abstracts is January 31st, 2024.

CEACS Conference CfP - Second Call

FInd here the secind Call for Papers for the 10th Triennial International Conference of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS) titled New Moons, New Tides: A Century of Change in Canada, 1923-2023. Organized by
University of Maribor, it will take place from September 12 to 14, 2024 in Maribor, Slovenia. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31st, 2024.

Conference Grants Reminder (Deadline 31 March)

Dear colleagues,
This is just to remind all our members that the spring deadline for applying for CEACS conference grants is fast approaching – 31 March.  Please see the CEACS website at “Grants” under “Grants, links, downloads” for details.

Online Robarts Center Summer School

Dear Colleagues, Chères/Chèrs collègues,
The Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies will be hosting online the 2024 International Canadian Studies Summit from 10-14 June 2024, in collaboration with the International Council for Canadian Studies and the Avie Bennett Historica Canada Chair.

As part of this Summit, they will be holding a Canadian Studies Summer School, aimed at graduate students studying Canada from outside of the country. Twenty graduate students will be selected and compensated to participate in this Summer School, which will be based on key themes in the current study of Canada, including transformative reconciliation, environmental justice, and gender and national identity. (Deadline for applications: April 4th, 2024. See registration form here)