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Publications Slovakia

  • Written by Dominika Kováčová

MALINOVSKÁ, Zuzana et al. Cartographie du roman québecois contemporain. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita, 2010. ISBN 978-80-555-0194-9

SLOBODNÍKOVÁ, Oľga. Regionálna geografia Kanady. [Regional Geography of Canada. ] 1. ed. Banská Bystrica: FPV UMB, 2011. pp. 344. ISBN 978-80-557-0152-3

SLOBODNÍKOVÁ, Oľga. Regionálna geografia Kanady [Regional Geography of Canada]. 2nd edition. Banská Bystrica: DALI-BB, s.r.o., 2012. p. 400. ISBN 978-80-8141-002-4


Publications Hungary

  • Written by Dominika Kováčová

Borsányi, László. Hontalanok a hazájukban – Az első amerikakiak történelme. (“Homeless in Their Homeland: History of the First Americans in the Story of North America /XVII-XVIII centuries/”) Budapest: Helikon kKadó , 2001.

Fuglinsyky, Ádám.  A polgárjogi felelősség útjai vegyes jogrendszerben, Québec, Kanada. (“The Ways of Civil Liability in Mixed Legal Systems, Quebec, Canada”) Budapest: ELTE, Eötvös Kiadó, 2010.

Kürtösi, Katalin. Világok találkoznak: a ’másik’ irodalmi ábrázolása Kanadában. (“Worlds Are Meeting: Literary Representation of the ’Other’ in Canada”) Szeged: JATE Press, 2010.

Molnár, Judit. (ed).  Different Perspectives on Canada: From Inside and Outside: Multidisciplinary Approaches.  Debrecen: Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2008.

Molnár, Judit. (ed) Managing Diversity and Social Cohesion: The Canadian Experience. (5th International Conference of Central European Canadinists 16-18, October, 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria) Brno: Masaryk University, 2010.

Nagy, Judit.,  Bánhegyi, Mátyás., Bernhardt, Dóra and Albert Rau.  (eds).  Canadian-German-Hungarian Cultural Reader.  Pomáz: Cormenius kiadó, 2011.

Nagy, Judit., Bánhegyi, Mátyás., and Albert, Rau. (eds) A Cultural Reader on Aboriginal Perspectives in Canada. Budapest: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, 2012.

Szabó, Eszter. And Katalin Kürtösi (eds) (Re/DE)Constructing Communities. (Re/DeConstruction des Communautés. Brno: Masaryk University, 2005.

Vígh, Árpád. Kék mezőben fehér Liliom: A francia-kanadai irodaslom története. (“Lys blnac dans un champ bleu. Une histoire de la littérature canadienn) Budapest: Akedémiai Kiadó, 2007.

Publications in Central Europe

Central European Journal of Canadian Studies

The CEJCS, the official journal of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies, has appeared on a regular basis since 2001. All submissions are subject to double blind peer review.


Proceedings of Conferences

Every three years the Central European Association for Canadian Studies holds an international conference. The best papers from these conferences are subsequently published in the form of a selected proceedings.

Canadian Studies in Europe

To encourage young scholars in the field of Canadian Studies, the European Network for Canadian Studies (ENCS) holds an annual European Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies. As part of its contribution to the work of the ENCS, the Central European Association for Canadian Studies oversees the publication of the selected proceedings of the European Seminar through its Secretariat at Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic.

Other CEACS Publications

Special publications

At regular intervals the CEACS issues special publications on selected topics. So far two have appeared:


Research projects

An integral part of the CEACS’s research projects are the volumes published to make available the main scholarly outcomes of the work involved. So far the association has carried out two research projects, resulting in the following publications.

Diaspora Project

Translation Research Project

Translation Reception Project

Submission Guidelines

A standard set of guidelines has been worked out for submissions to CEACS publications. These can be assessed by clicking here.


Publications by CEACS Members

Across the Central European region, Canadianists publish many books dealing with all aspects of Canadian Studies. What follows is a selection of these (since 2005).

Publications - Czech Republic

Kyloušek, Petr - Kolinská, Klára - Prajznerová, Kateřina- Pospíšil, Tomáš - Beránková-Voldřichová, Eva - Horák, Petr. Us-Them-Me: The Search for Indentity in Canadian Literature and Film, Nous-Eux-Moi: La quête de l'identité dans la littérature et le cinéma canadiens. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009, ISBN 978-80-210-5061-7.

Kyloušek, Petr - Vanderziel, Jefff - Prajznerová, Kateřina - Vurm, Petr (eds.). Identity through Art, Thought and the Imaginary in the Canadian Space - Art, pensée et imaginaire identitaire de l'espace canadien. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009.  ISBN 978-80-210-4798-3.

Kyloušek, Petr - Roy, Max - Kwaterko, Józef. Imaginaire du roman québécois contemporain. Brno - Montréal: Masarykova univerzita - Figura, Centre de Recherche sur le texte et l'imaginaire, 2006.  ISBN 80-210-4050-5.

Kyloušek, Petr, Dějiny francouzsko-kanadské a quebecké literatury [Histoire de la littérature littérature canadienne-française et québécoise]. Brno: Host, 2005. ISBN 80-7294-140-2.

Kyloušek, Petr. Hledání Ameriky. Antologie současného quebeckého románu [A la recherche de lAmerique : Antologie du roman québécois contemporain] (1980-2000).  Antonová, B., Janda, L., Kunešová, M., Vurm, P.  Brno: Host, 2003. ISBN 80-7294-081-3.